Saturday, August 11, 2012

i believe that i can survive

although it's hard for me, but i believe that i can survive. because i am sure that you all pray for me there

this day after my Bapak Kost repair the electricity, i can connect to internet. i revised my friends essay and then sent it back to him. So sorry bro for being late, because many thing that i should do in this three days before. Don't you think 24 hours is not enough right? haha.

Before publish this post, i had make a video call through fb skype. it was the first time for me. and its work. although it just for a few minutes because our low internet connection :)

hmmm... thanks for yhe spirit, i really miss you all.


although it's hard for me, but i believe that i can survive. because i am sure that you all pray for me there
keep fight for your dream stadz.
i really want to see japan or another overseas place together with you

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Dan finally it is a D-1 day. Fieldwork phase about to finish

Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar Terimakasih atas segala Rahmat dan PetunjukMu ya Allah. Hanya kepadaMU tempat hamba memohon dan meminta pertolong...