Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Spirit From Bandung

Do you still remember about my story in Masjid Muhajirin patenggangan that I have written in my blog? Let I remain you, it was about a little boy praying in an afternoon. But now I have another thing to share. I got the idea of it while I see something different in that masjid. Yeah, several day before there were some little desk in the left side of that masjid. And there was a small paper on each desk. The paper consist the name, number and note about a student. You can guess it guys? Yes, It was an examination number. Do you know, in my district the student in school (especially the elementary one) should have an MDA sertificate. And May be they have been an examination on that time. I want to tell something about education model in ranah minang “tempoe doeloe” but it hard to write in English, so please cek it out in this link ^_^.

Ehm, Yesterday was a day of joyfulness. There was a new spirit for me. My Bro came from Bandung. He is in holiday now. He has finished his first semester in Master Program of ITB. Waaaww ITB J. We (I and Didi) wait and took him in BIM at 08.30 WIB. He still like usuall, still in laugh and still BIG hahaaa… J. We went to Lapai, his family home, and then to campus. But Didi was not, he went to his grandma house near from Lapai, oh no, still in Lapai area exactly.
Several days before in our milist, Pak Miftah sent an email consists of several advices for the graduate student, especially for they that are promoted to be a lecturer. One of the advices  is keep silaturrahiim and contact with the department office. Hmm in this point, I little bit loose, because I didn’t keep it well.
But my bro help me to reapair it. I accompanied him silaturrahiim to our department office. There, we met with our lecturer, and Alhamdulillah everyting was ok. Our department still full of joy. We love them so much. ^_^
Fiuwh, and yeah Alizwel, Alhamdulillah Ya Rahman, you always know the best one for me.

My Bro’s story about his new lecturer, new friends, and new experience can to increase my motivation. I must success too. So, I should make more serious preparation, although the calling is not come yet. But I believe, insya Allah soon.

Thank you my Bro… you are my best friend.  

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