Thursday, May 03, 2012

Am i change?

there was something that disturb my mind this afternoon. They said that i am different then usuall. I have changed.

oh really...???
Hmm.. i hope, it in a better side.
Because yeah, its yours now. So I am not like usuall anymore. May be i should be less interaction so that they understand that its their times now. And i should be ready for another steps. Prepare my self for the real world. Give my best although i know that i'm not the best one.


>>> My akhy's aplication for KFUPM is aproved. So happy to hear that. Alhamdulillah. wish you all the best bro.
>>> My Mom's projects not finished yet, but we just have a limited time. Fight Fight Fight
>>> Tomorrow BSM, Please take care of them Ya Rahman. Success!!!
>>> insya Allah a new great team will be announced tomorrow. ^_^ (i get a pre informations, hmm)
>>> Still not now, may be tomorrow. Keep in patient. Chayyo !!!

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