Tuesday, June 16, 2020

oo come on... what is this.

Until now, I have been experiencing some LDR momments. For 1 day, 2 days, a week, three months at most (even two times, for the 3 months).

But, I don't know why, i miss them so bad for now.

May be it caused by the pandemi which push us to have more time with the family.

I feel empty.

Dear Allah, ....
Thank you very much. Segala puji hanya bagiMu.

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Dan finally it is a D-1 day. Fieldwork phase about to finish

Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar Terimakasih atas segala Rahmat dan PetunjukMu ya Allah. Hanya kepadaMU tempat hamba memohon dan meminta pertolong...