Sunday, June 19, 2016

Silakan berkarya anak muda

Looking at the title, it sounds that I am too old right :D

Yeah maybe. Since I already have a little boy at home and the people in my job world call me by using "Pak". -_-

Just now, I unconsciously found  my neighbour's instagram account. He is my junior and we are not in contact each other for long time. Hmm... He already grown-up become a visionary boy. Yups with contribution to the nation. Whoa..

I just remember about my past when I still at college. Yup.. Organize many thing, become volunteer for communuty development, doing many activities which contribute to others.

I feel that when I in my position now, I couldnt di as much and as free as before. Yeah I still try to give my contributions but it different you know.

So, bagi kawula muda, gunakanlah waktu muda mu dengan sebaik baiknya. Cobalah Hal Hal Baik sebanyak Mungkin. Berbaktilah sedini Mungkin. Karena Jika kamu sdh masuk Ke Dunia Profesional, Maka Mungkin waktumu tak Lagi sebanyak Dan sebebas dulu.


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