Tuesday, April 05, 2016

I will survive insya Allah

Sometimes the real life is not as simple as the theory. But when the theory comes from the teology then I believe that it must be true. Then, the remaining is about the ability to survive in the turbulance.

I believe that I can manage it well insya Allah.

Now, when everything seems to be challenging for me, I am trying to keep on the track Eventhough,  the track itself is not really clear yet. Do you ever hear about these phrases " when you feel that there is no more way you can do, then that's the signal that Allah will open a door for you, Allah will offer you a solution and you don't need to worry too much, coz everything is simple for Allah.
Lahaulawalaquata illabillahil aliyil azhim.

I will survive insya Allah.

# mengoptimalkan apa yang ada
Karena istigfarmembuka pintu ampunan dan pintu rizki.

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