Wednesday, November 11, 2015

A reminder

Hmm, one of my friend update a status in a med sos. Its about having communication even if we are in the busyness.

I couldnt agree more, thats very correct, that silaturrahim is very important. Hopefully we can manage time to communicate to our friends and relatives.

But, i always try to equally and proportionally doing it. However, that is not always as ideal as it is.
Sometimes like this week, we have many things to do, in almost every single time we have, there is a deadline waiting.
It is not only about our regular job in the office (which are many :) ), but also in other side of our life which sometimes some people dont know. When they finish their job in the afternoon before ashar, we still have to continiu doing several things until maghrib and even until midnight, besides the daily things at house.:)

Even tonight, we took our dinner at 5.30 after subuh :D

But i beliefe we can enjoy all of that when those are in the list of our passion. Yeah, doing all of that with love and spirit. Everything will be done on the right time and allizwel :D :D

So... Thanks dear friends for the reminder. We have to concern about communication of course :)

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