Monday, January 12, 2015

Inspiring people around

I just realized that my parents are getting old. Ya Rabb allow me to give my best for them before they leave me. Allow us to be together in a long long time. So that we can visit makkah and also can prepare ourselves before meeting You.

Keep their healthy and happy ya Rabb. And Hold them in Your hand.

#ehm, yesterday was the first day I joined with a new institution. Meeting with people and seeing how they interacted. I always like to see the human being in their interaction. Learning from them, taking the positive side and take the negative one as the learning materials for myself.
Hopefully we can mingle nicely together. However, the activity thar I should do later on is a challenging one I think. But I believe, I can. Insya allah.

#should learn more and practice even more.

#new friends

#cari uabg itu susah kapten.

#appreciate every singgle penny in your wallet. Use it wisely.

#"the circle" is always interesting and full charge moment. Alhamdulillah, we plan to arrange a meeting in my house for the next. Cannot wait until that time :)

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