Thursday, August 21, 2014


I have a bad habit about my respect to people around me. I really appreciate about respect in a relationship. But, when at a time you lose my respect, it will be hard for me to give it back to you. Even for a person that is a friend before.

When he or she did something that makes me to put a line that I will not give him or her my respect then, that it is. I know that it is not good, but ... yeah this is me. I try, I try to keep the relationship with that person, but do not hope that it will be the same as before.

#Istill in revision mode
#Alhamdulillah, orang-orang baik dan pengertian ada diberbagai penjuru.
#Yes it is your right to give or not give a help for somebody # I just a bit dissapointed and (sad)

#I do apologize for everything
#And being in this condition makes me know many people.
#Its always good to see you dear friends,, keep fight for the approval.

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