Wednesday, September 04, 2013

TBC check and the new friends

This morning, we have to go to gc gementee for checking about tbc. Yups in holland the imigran need to do a periodical check up for tbc. For now it is twice a year.

Actualy we did not get the invitation yet, but my friend alteady get it. So since we are in the same program and always together for everything we are surd that I also have thee invitation but not arrive yet in my home. Another asumption is that the letter was sent to my old adress.

In the gc we met teh risda and her son and witta, the new comer. A nice friend, good luck and welcome to the junggle. Hehe

#focus for the homework then.
#we cannot push somebody to be ourfriend, but just try to be a good friend for them if we want to

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Dan finally it is a D-1 day. Fieldwork phase about to finish

Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar Terimakasih atas segala Rahmat dan PetunjukMu ya Allah. Hanya kepadaMU tempat hamba memohon dan meminta pertolong...