Friday, May 17, 2013

Hi to the Miss ^_^

Alhamdulillah this is TGIF.

I leave the 2 clases today. I got a headache and may be a fever. Since we went back from campus in the rainy day by cyclong in this two or three days. But yeah... may be this is the chance for me to just stay at home ^_^.

y bro Said got a slipery yesterday, his foot should be "perbaned" but yeah he said that this is ok now. GWS bro.

Hmm.. although i miss the clas on campus, I thank You God, since it leads to another occation for me to joint Sholat Jumat berjamaah in SGB. This is extended by  a tafsir kajian and yuhuuu MAkan makan. _mie bihun goreng_ayam goreng_sambel rasa Indonesia_and Kerupuk Lekker cuy..

And the next is... i have a convo with my lecturer in Indonesia. She always make everything better and enjoyable.. haha. What a spiritful trainer. Even we just have a chat. Dank u well Miss.

"... Anies Baswedan talked to me yesterday that the more demanding your professor is, the better quality you have . As your professor has put a very high standard for you. *best effort 
If he's lean on you... Probably he thinks that you don't have that competence (this is from anies baswedan speech yesterday talking to Fulbright awardees)"

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