Thursday, February 28, 2013

What a beautiful service.

I've made an appointment for this afternoon. You can see doctor Rademaker at 3.20 p.m. The practice is at Carnegiedreef 18, 3563 AA Utrecht. Please bring your insurance papers with you.

I've printed out how to reach Carnegiedreef from Guatemaladreef. If you have time come along to pick it up.

Kind regards, Betty.

ini email konfirmasi dari "----" entah apa lah kami harus memanggilnya, tapi beliau adalah orang yang senantiasa mengurusi kami (bahkan angkatan2 sebelumnya) sejak kami masih di Indonesia. ya.... Mrs Betty, what a so kind person. hehe. She is our administration supervisor, i think.

I think I got  an allergy regarding the cold weather. And it is not as simple as i think. So  I asked Betty how to see a doctor, And surprisingly, she gave full attention on it and direct response. At that time she arranged the appointment with the doctor, since the NL before seeing a doctor, we have to make an appointment first. 

Not only that, she also provided me with information on how to get to the clinic and what should I prepare. She printed it  for me. Although i can do it by my self, since there is mbah gugel right, but "anak bangsa yang tinggal bukan di tanah bangsanaya lalu  dapat perhatian saat sedang mengalami kesulitan dari bangsa lainnya itu rasanya gimanaaaaaa gituuuu".. Hahaha lebay.(skip this).

 Hmm, the clinic is not difficult to find, then i asked the doctor assistant, and yeah, she already know that I have an appointment with the doctor. But there was a little problem, my address on my insurance card did not match with my actual address, so the system cannot find me. In NL, each resident has family doctor which is available in the clinic near  with their domicile. And they will register in that clinic, the systems also relate to the insurance.

In my case, i should pay in cash, it was 25 Euro (ckckck) Just for the consultation.

Then, i met the doctor, He was a kind person, full of smile and attention. He made me feel comfortable to tell the problem that I have. 

The next step was  "finding the medicine". The drugstore was in the next building to the clinic. We should take a que number first. 

The apoteker that I met was a woman, his face is so friendly, again "Smiles". She greating  each person in a kind way. For the first, she talked in Ducht which i didn't understand, but she could speak english.

the same case happened in this aphotic, i should pay cash, it was about 34 Euro. (another Wawww)

But calm down, all of the Bill will be refunded by the insurance commpany.

My message in this post is, the public administration person in NL was so kind and friendly. Full of smiles, and total in doing their works. And i thank because i have a chance to interact with them.

And hopefully, nothing serious problem with my allergies. Please be so kind to pray for me ya :D

Danke well.

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