Monday, December 31, 2012

Wara wiri in Padang

Alhamdulillah.. finally on Monday Night about 23.00 wib i arrived at home.
fiyuhhh.... My lovely family. haha.
Randa is getting higher now. Roli, hmmm... hahaha.. gud boy.. abstract.
Bang Hen, still in show up mode :p with his new motor.
My Mom... always beautiful ;)
Kak Fifi and keysha... more cheerful, and she is darken than before.
My Father still in Pekanbaru, insya Allah a few more days, he will joint us in Padang.

Oh yeahh... Cilomok, The most amazing cat in the world.
and si Boro, our lovely dog that help us in keeping our home save :D

Too tired, but the joy made it better..

And the adventure was begin.
I focused on the mission for searching the tools that i should prepare before leaving this country (next month insya Allah). The next two or three days was used for buying dress, jacket, shoes, bag, etc. And as an effect, the money was gone easily,... ckckckck.
But, Allah is Maha Pemurah. Alhamdulillah.

I used 2 days for processing my askes (because i still in the education period so i can make the access to the insurance longer)
And now i have a new glassmates.. ahee.

i joined the muktamar FORSIA last day, met with ikhwahfillah.. what a beautiful moment.. Love you so much guys. good luck for the new Chairman and its team. Allahu Akbar!!!

and the contact with the Impome squad is always in the hand.. haha. Android man..make everything in our hand, from around Indonesia, we still keep in touch.. Inform what we do each other, hehe.. Alhamdulillah.. miss you so much guys.. On the one hand, i am eager to meet you soon, but on the other hand, i still want to stay with my family, don't want to end this moment. However we should realize that we have a class on Friday, so Insya Allah Thursday 3rd of January 2013, Lion Air. :)

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