Saturday, October 20, 2012

A woman that always know me so well.

I don't know,
in the last two days i felt alone, i lost my soul.
yeah i have the attractive classmate ^_^ and I thank for that.
They make me enjoy my daily life here, i can't imagine when they aren't exist, hehe...

But there is something missed.ehmm...

And this morning,
Suddenly my Mom called my mobile phone :)

ehm, She just asked about two things.
"Baa kaba nak? lai sehat-sehat se?"
"Baa kok ndak ado manalepon? ama nio mandanga suaro ronal."

(*padahal rasanya baru kurang lebih 10 hari yang lalu, kami berteleponan)

So Sorry Mom, i promise that i will have a regular called on you insya Allah.

--> for anak rantau,
have you phoned your mom and Dad?
Perhaps they just want to hear your voices. thats it.

And believe me, you will get the new spirit that you can't explain but you believe its existence.

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