Monday, August 13, 2012

waiting for tuesday 14 08204

horray... tomorrow is tuesday 14 of August 2012,

Today, i make some improvement in reading and listening, but not for writing and speaking. The last two aspect should be fixed as soon as possible. Especially, for Speaking, i think it had decrease slightly then before. May be it caused by the time i got my turn is the last among my classmate. During the waiting period, alhamdulillah i and pipit met our senior on the last impome, Bg Adri, He also from Pariaman. we talked about every thing, from the schollarship, the lecturer, the landscape and how to get survive in this life in Surabaya. :)

But Alhamdulillah tomorrow is Tuesday,
Insya Allah 14.00 kereta api- bus- mobil, 14 Agustus 2012

Insya Allah it will be the first experience for me to mudik, the real mudik. It also the first time for me to take a long distance trip by train.  But it is a choice, right:)

I will mish you my IM4-SBY

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