Thursday, August 23, 2012

Back to the challenging world : (>> Sory, pending for a while ^_^)

Hmm.. it still in Raya Mode right..

Hehe, actually i had decided back to the challenging world (focus on ielts), because the plan for touring have a little bit problem. However, i always believe that.. if there is a will, then insya Allah there is a way. And yeah... the sign  came, and i should stand in by for 23rd and 24th of this month.. haha you are the best lah my bro. cool!!! Love you all so much. wkwk. Alhamdulillah.

But, what should i do today (22 of August 2012), i invited Winko to have a raya ghatering in my home, and he came lately, hehe. And we move on to visit the best squad of RF, the pareman sholeh of padang :)

My Pra Tour was finished at around 9.30 pm. hmm.. Miss them so much. :).

And Alhamdulillah finally i met again with Nasi Goreng. Since my first arrival in Surabaya, i never ate nasi goreng yet. hoho.. and this nasi goreng special from Kubang, and Of course Free of charge (this is the important one.. haha) thanks Bro Kun. ;)

Silaturrahim longthen your age and open the Rizqi's door.
i believe that, and have been proving it many times. like this  day, I got the solution for my financial problem. Syukur Alhamdulillah Ya Rahman. ^_^

# my big apologize for others citizen of Padang, the time was limited, so we could not visit you one by one.. but my heart always for you.. aseeek

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