Sunday, November 06, 2011

its not too late to start it again

hmm.. yesterday i found my old pocket book... not a book exactly, it just like a suhuf, you know, papers.
the contents were the list of my activity each day. the target that i should finish in a day. and it worked to manage my time. but i didn't continiu to do that. because yeah i a little bit lose my ability to manage the time,

hmmm its not too late to start it again. hehe.

yups let have a small book that i called My PA. and try to " write what will yo do, and do what you have writen, then make a report of it" ehm... (i sounds like Pak Zul told us in the meeting of preparing Implementation ISO in my school). ^_^

These suhuf just a simple one. Not perfect may be, but They Already acommpanied me to reach my S.Pd.  ^_^

And for the next glory insya Allah

(click the picture to make it bigger)

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