Saturday, September 17, 2011

a little "circle" for a better life

this morning at home, i weak up late. hmm coz last night a have my "ngapel" and it finished nearly at 11 pm, i was so tired and cold. because the day was rain and my mantel didn't work good, so.... when i arrived at home, without talk or did something much, i slept in the living room... hmmm

i've alittle headache, and  tought that it can be a reason for me to not go to school for teaching. but.... alhamdulillah, i still can push my self to go, because its my duty and i don't want to leave it.

And alhamdulillah... this day was very nice. i can handle my class and this was the first meet in BII for me and my little group. BII is like mentoring or responsi, so this is another "circle" for me. its a chance, and i'll take care of it seriously. hmmm... however ALLAHU AKBAR

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