Thursday, January 04, 2018

too much talking

I define my self as a person who do not really like to interact with a too much talking person.

And I also keen on working in a silent environment.


I just realized that, unconsciously, I am likely to have talked more than I need this previous days.

Hokke.. it is not good since it contrast with what I believe in. As a "silent person"

So, maybe to fulfill the demand of the boss, i need to cut down my talking frequencies and pay more attention for the upcoming deadline things.

#sending documents
#preparing the research


Old Room, new Taste


today is a little bit nano2 for me.

I should prepare myself to comeback into the reality.

And yeah.. of course, the real world is a hard place to struggle. We need to fight to be the winner.

Fight with our lazyness,....

Ibroh dari sebuah pertemuan yang kuhadiri beberapa waktu lalu.

Andai nanti aku jadi seorang pimpinan, aku harus mampu menjadi perekat dan penyemangat untuk semua tim ku. Aku harus mampu menempatkan mereka semua sebagai orang-orang yang hebat dan dapat diandalkan. Walau mungkin beberapa ada yang spesial bagiku, namun tak kan ku ungkapkan di depan yang lainnya....

Karena memang, dibanding-bandingkan itu tidaklah enak....

:) :) :)

Semangattt semangattt semangattt


#luruskan niat
#rapatkan shaf
#kuatkan semangat
#kerja kerja kerja
#bisa dan mau

Wednesday, January 03, 2018

A lovely smile in the first of January 2018

January, the first

Pagi-pagi buru-buru siap2 untuk mengantar mentariku pergi kegiatan Latansa di Tiger camp.  Doi sempat kurang semangat karena minim tidur sebab anak bujang nempel terus semalaman.

Suasana pun sedikit mendung dan bahkan gerimis.

But... karena sudah diniatkan pergi, maka doi tetap ke lokasi.
Kutinggalkan ia dengan pesan, "Sayang, nanti kalo pusing, bilang kurang sehat saja ke panitia, yang penting kita hadir memenuhi taklimat"....

teng tengg.... dan daku pun pergi.


Lama sekali rasanya hari ini berlalu dan sms minta segera dijemputpun masuk.



Belum sempat matikan mesin motor, ane sudah disambut dengan senyuman dan lambaian tangan bersemangat, sambil "mengaum" lucu...

dan mengalirlah cerita penuh semangat sepanjang jalan pulang dan setelahnya dan setelahnya...


Semangat yang berkobar juga menular...

Senang sekali melihatmu tersenyum dan penuh semangat Dinda....
hmmm... serasa dunia ini semua bisa ku genggam :) karena ada kamu yang bersemangat bersamaku


Terimakasih dakwah...
Terimakasih Ya Allah

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Lapor Bos... I am back

Yup.. and now... I am here, ready to rock the world again.. Hehe.

Many things to do, and lets do it one by one..


#first day ngoffice in 2018

Alhamdulillah 7,5

Finally ... its all done.

We dont know at the beginning how to deal with the condition....

But as I always believe that if Allah Has chosen such a condition for us, then He Absolutely Has a great plan for that. Our duty is only to fight hard and pray even harder.

and now, the almost three months of IELTS has been finished and the result is awesome I got 7.5 what a wonderful achievement.


Thanks for all.
especially for my dear AoM and Aqsha and also the greatest Moms in the world. Love you Full.

Friday, November 24, 2017

#1togo IELTS ia am coming

Alhamdulillah, H-1 for the first official test on this program.

Yup. Alhamdulillah, because i have done until this stage and I believe that I can give my best. Insya Allah.

Ya Rabb, hamba banyak salah dan khilaf.. :( ampuni hamba ya Rabb.

Berikan taufik dan hidayahMu kepada hamba dan teman-teman sehingga kami bisa menyelesaikan test ini dengan baik, lancar, sukses dan hasil terbaik.

perkenankanlah doa-doa kami Ya Rabb.


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

#2togo Per-Facing the first official test in this program

alhamdulillah this is the beginning of the third month.

I am happy, because not merely because the test will be in front of me immediately, but it also mean that the coming back time is nearly happen. :)

I got the announcement of the schedule this day.

I will have the written test on Saturday 25 November 2017 and the speaking test will be held on Sunday at 10.

Insya ALlah, i will do my best. Pray for me yach.

#Really miss you Honey and Aqsho..
#sometimes, some parts of my soul have already flied to Padang.
#But of course i have to finish this first.

Oya i plan to extend my study time until Isya.
And now is the first move of it. After a simulation with my study buddy, i went to the library and have a self study.


Bit by Bit

I continue to strive against my procrastination, giving my best effort. Alhamdulillah, sometimes I make progress, but at other times, I find...